HURRY! Just 2 days left to join in!

Lately I've been thinking about what to do with the ol' blog for the entire month of April when I will be on my honeymoon instead of showing you interesting tidbits about Rome. I know it's annoying when the same post is up forever, and I don't want to lose any of you lovely readers. So this, folks, is what I've come up with.
By now you all know what a cheerleader I am for online events: lest we forget the Great International City Swap or the first-ever World Nutella Day. This one I'm officially calling La Mia Italia: My Italy. It's super easy to participate, and everyone who loves Italy and has a blog can, and should, join.
I've decided that while I'm away from my blog, I'd like to post a list of what you consider to be your greatest, most interesting, unique, funny, beautiful, etc. etc. etc. posts about il bel paese.
- Do you live in Italy? Do you blog about it? Send me some links to your favorite posts about Italy and I'll host them here for a month.
- Have you ever been to Italy? Did you take pictures? Did you write something on your blog about it? All you have to do is send me the link and I'll post it here during the time I'm away.
- Do you just plain love Italy? Want to move here? Studying the language? Have you made a great Italian recipe? Is there something you just don't "get" about Italy? Write about it. Post it on your blog. Send me the link.
1) Choose your favorite links to posts, photos or videos to enter. Send the links to: ahirswap AT gmail DOT com. I'll add them to my round-up. Entries are welcome in English and Italian.
2) Deadline to send entries is March 31.
3) If you're a button kind of person, you can save the button below and put it on your blog with a link back to this post.

And just to sweeten the deal a bit, I'm thinking of having a reader-led vote at the end, and the winner will receive some Rome goodies from yours truly, like, how about some coffee from Sant'Eustachio, or a jigsaw puzzle of the Pope, or some postcards, and maybe some other surprises as well... (priest calendar, anyone? Sorry, I just couldn't resist...)
So, amici miei, it's coming, and its success depends on you: April is "My Italy" month here at AHIR. Join us!
PS Beware all you Italy bloggers or bloggers I've seen who have written about Italy--I've got my eye on you: if you don't join in voluntarily, I may be liable to pick one of your posts myself! So why not just choose your faves and send them to me? Grazie--grazie davvero molto. (Do you think this is how Elvis would have sounded if he spoke Italian? Thank you--thank you very much...)
i'm on it...and auguroni!
Oh, I'm in too, and I wish you lots of auguroni as well ;)
Hi Shelly,
I've emailed you four links that you're free to use. If the email doesn't come through, let me know.
What a great idea. Have an amazing time on your honeymoom!
I'm in too! You miss shelley are the queen of blog fun. aguri and baci!
Trace: Thanks! You threw in a few of my faves. But the hoochie dress is definitely on the top of my list as well...maybe next time... ;-)
Sognatrice: Can't wait to see what you have in store for us! You have a lot of good material to work with.
David: Grazie, I got it!
NYC: Thanks girl! And, I expect to see your entries too, eh?! Don't make me choose them myself!! ;-)
Avery: I know, I just can't help myself. I was one of those annoying kids in high school that joined everything. Ack! Make me stop!
oh and I'm in too, but you already know that much. I'm only posting this comment hoping that someone will click through to my blog because of it. I know. I'm a dork.
A girl's gotta get a little rest on her honeymoon...I'll do what I can to contribute! :)
Carissima Shelley,
che ottima idea! Non lo so che potevo fare per un mese senza leggere il tuo blog.
Spero solamente che saranno interessanti come i tuoi postings.
E' un segreto dove vai per la luna di miele?
Tanti auguri per i promessi sposi!
Ms: Thanks girl!! I knew you'd have my back...
Carole: Niente segreto, andiamo in Nuova Zelanda.
What a way to have a stress-free honeymoon! I love your events...count me in! Tanti auguri, bella.
Wow New Zealand !!!!!! That's huge !! Tanti auguri !!!
OK? I'm trying to find one or 2 posts in whatever I have already written (and I'll try to translate it as well ;-)
I agree you ARE the Queen of fun blogs...I'll play, too. Maybe you can let other newlywed-to-bes share...ahem...(beg, borrow, or steal) your idea when they are on their honeymoon...say in November??
Hmmm...this is a real challenge! let's see what I can drum up from the memory banks.
Well -- I do want one of those calendars...
Of course I'm in - you know this.
I'll even send you a link to my Rome photo gallery - of course, some of these photos have you in them, so HA!
Anyway, I'll email you some stuff soon.
Great idea for your time away. I'll miss you terribly!!
I am in. I just sent you an email with some options. Have a great time! :)
This sounds like a lot of fun! Count me too!
I told my hubby about your call and within seconds we were down memory lane about a lot of holidays we spent in Italy. My computer was down for a few days but I will try to write something and send you the link.
Hope you have a great Honeymoon.
Happy honeymoon (WOW New Zealand, this is just great!)
And when you came back, I want absolutely see a pic of your wedding dress, ok?
Auguri di tutto cuore!
OK Count me in...sending a link....just found your blog and it made my day! Another Roma gal. Complimenti and Auguri!
hope you have the most wonderful time and a pre congrats to you both!
Hi Sara, as I promised you, here is the link to your interview with
I just got home from the weekend in Rome. I have to tell you all about it, even from a Bed and Breakfast standpoint. (i think i figured out where you live while in trastevere). i have much to say!
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