Now, I realize that the only thing that qualifies this for my Rome-themed blog is the simple fact that I saw it in Rome. But that's OK by me. Just yesterday I saw a t-shirt for sale that said "My so-and-so went to Hawaii and all I got was this lousy t-shirt" for €4. Which goes to show: things don't always have to make perfect sense.
So, just for some random fun, look where Arnold turned up, in action mode, on Lungotevere:

Well, if you thought Arnold was a Rome-only phenomenon, you'd be wrong. I promise I don't spend my days wandering Italian cities looking for him. He just shows up. For example, when I was in Milan with Sara last weekend, poof! Walking around after breakfast, there he was:

Ok, ok, I promise tomorrow I'll get back to the meat and potatoes of the blog. Or rather, the espresso slushies and the Pantheon, both of which I have waiting in the wings for you.
He's trying to make a comeback and he thinks that Italy is the place to start?
Caroline: Hmmm, interesting theory... maybe his gig with 1-800-GET-CASH (NYC/Caribbean Ragazza told me that's what he's up to nowadays) isn't working out so well. Poor Arnold!
Maybe the artist is a big Gary Coleman fan.
At least Arnold is still alive, poverina Kimberely. Before his recent TV ads, he was working as a security guard. I thought that was weird. I mean who is going to be scared of him besides Webster?
NYC: You're killing me! How long has it been since I've thought about Webster? Ma'am and George!!! I can always rely on you and your witty comments to give me a laugh. ;-)
hi there, i'm a new blogger and i've started reading yours.
when i lived in florence for a semester we would see gary coleman stencils all over the place......that is so strange that he has appeared in rome and milan as well.
i bet it's the same person!
Eryn! Welcome to the blogosphere, or rather, benvenuta! I'm coming up on my one-year anniversary.
Now I'm curious. I should do some research...(a.k.a. Google it).
oh I love it!!! I was so excited to see your first post about this and cracked up! I can't wait to do my own Coleman-spotting when we get over there!
Oooh, please tell us you will talk about the granite de cafe at Taza de Oro, which I discovered last weekend, as I sadly walked away from the Pantheon which was "chiusa" for the holiday?? Thanks for your blog, I loved it. I used it to guide me for my 2nd trip ever to Rome last week. Continuing to enjoy your blog even now that I am back in NYC.
Chris & Erin: I'm so relieved to see that someone else shares my warped sense of humor on this. I was sure that everyone would be shaking their heads wondering what had come over me (like my husband did when I saw Arnold 2 when we were in the car...I later actually rode back over on my bike to take a shot, I know, I'm nuts) but I tell you, I just can't resist!
Anon: Wow! I am very impressed. You have correctly guessed the topic I was getting at. How did you find out about it? I'm sure it was a good pick-me-up after the closed Pantheon let-down. And, I am so honored that my blog helped you with your trip!!
I think it is someone's idea of a fun time, going around places in Italy and putting Arnolds everywhere just to get people talking, like we are here...are you sure its not you Shelley?!!? I mean, you do seem to be the common denominator here! ;)
Good one Jenn! Can you see it? I don't even know how they got those things up so high, I mean, are they carrying ladders around with them, along with a bucket of glue and a brush to paste it on with? Bizarre!
And, in my defense, I must defer to Eryn who has spotted Signore Coleman in Florence as well, a place I've only been to a couple times, making it *nearly* physically impossible for me to be the culprit... ;-)
That's bizarre. The only place he shows up in the States is on the CashCall commercials.
Nothing is sadder than a former child actor who's funds were mismanaged so dramatically that his broke ass has to go on TV and tell other broke asses how to get "$1000 right now just by calling."
It makes me want to go plaster a massive Arnold up on the side of my building. I wonder what the condominio would have to say about that.
Love it.
now that is too funny... I used to love that show!
And I'm all too curious, does married life give you the permit now also? Read your wedding post for more comments. :)
this is interesting. keep us updated of arnold's appearances.
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