1. You see gladiators taking a coffee break.

2. The clothes dryers.

3. The view from the neighborhood bus.

4. The local version of Wal-Mart.

5. The preferred form of transport.

Part of the
Top 5 Group Writing Project. Thanks to
Ms. Adventures in Italy for the head's up!
I love the local Walmart!! :) He must be the door greeter, without the yellow vest.
yay! must be great to be home (that view from the bus is really something! :))
Oh how I miss it! I absolutely cannot wait to go back this summer!
Cute post. I don't remember the streets being so empty (almost) when I was in Rome though.
Ms: Yes, good ol' Ascenzo, God bless him, out there everyday reading his newspaper. I swear he has pretty much everything hidden away in that hole in the wall.
Stelle: Yep! I'm glad to be back. What can I say, I am hopelessly in love with this beautiful, obnoxious city.
Heather: I know! You'll be back before you know it.
J.Doe: Grazie! I think I took that bus shot in October. Tourist season is getting into full swing about now though.
The gladiators having a coffee break is amusing me no end. Gave me the giggles.
great photos. The gladiators chilling, crack me up.
for me, the first sign of being in Rome(or for the matter, italy) would be that of a broken-down building surrounded by a zillion tourists :-)
When i was touring in europe, i had been to paris and switzerland and then went to Italy. it was broken buildings one after the other throughout italy :-)
hahaha.. love your no 1 gladiators are having coffee.. can we exchange link.. love your nice blog
Check out my posting on Top 5
You forgot the Smart cars, which seemed to be everywhere!
One of the first things we saw in Rome, on our way to Gusto for lunch, was a couple of gladiators going into a clothes shop. Such a surreal view for a foreigner!
Not sure which I love more: the gladiators, the local Wal Mart, or Ms. Adventures's grown-out eyebrows!
Ahh I miss Rome! I enjoyed your post and like your blog so much I'm going to link to it! Bella
The best is being on the subway, with a gladiator on his way to the office....
I do think that the view from the "commute" is one of the signs you're just not in Kansas anymore!
Can't wait till I get back there!
I might actually change my opinion about walmart here in america. :)
Those gladiators are thugs. I had a friend who used to sell tours at the coloseum and she told me that they are a "mafia". They scare me.
Ben tornata, cara! Cute post, good job. Nice to have you back online.
Good to have you back, and nice to see some new nice pictures of Rome just to make me jealous once again.
I love Rome so much. I want to move there as soon as possible.
I've been trying to convince my husband that Rome is better than Paris but he's not buying it!
Love the Clothes Dryer Photo...having lived on the Continent, this brings back all sorts of memories about laundry day!!
That is such a great list! I totally love it, and it makes me want to get to Rome the sooner the better!
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