So, not sure if you know, but I just started renting out the tourist apartments in August. It pretty much coincides with the birth of my blog. Wouldn't have ever had enough time for a blog before that. My job working with over 100 university students, as director of their study abroad center, kept me on my toes with a small staff, a 24-hour emergency phone, and an endless supply of stories to make me the life of the party ("They did WHAT?!"). Got some real scares as well as some ha-has on the ol' E-phone, and I wasn't sad to leave it behind.
That being said, I'm still at the beginning stages of building my business. Part of it is a small DVD and book library that guests can use during their stay. Even though I don't run a B & B, I wanted to incorporate some B & B elements that I have seen in my travels and enjoyed. My only real criteria for the DVDs is that they are Italian movies with English subtitles, or movies about Italy. I just got a shipment of DVDs from Amazon for the library. Here's the list:

Il Postino
Johnny Stecchino
Fellini's Roma
Stealing Beauty
I'm Not Scared
My budget limits me obviously from buying everything I'd like to, they say here, piano, piano (little by little).
Have you ever seen any of the movies on my list? Which one(s) are your favorite(s)? Of course, I don't have anywhere near all the ones I think are essential for a good Italian film library. What movies do you think are must-haves? A wish list never hurts!
I'm Not Scared is so suspensful it made me jump! I'd vote for Ciao Professore and Pane e Tulipani as well.
Good luck on posting everyday. I wish I could, but reviewing restaurants costs too much money and too many calories!
La Dolce Vita would be a must-have for me that fits your guidelines
I'm sad to say that I haven't seen a single one of these. Not even Life is Beautiful. Shameful, I know.
Does Oceans 12 count since it was filmed partially in Rome?
I suck at this, sorry.
I have every single one of the movies you listed! I'm a foreign film geek and I have quite an extensive collection. Of the films you listed, Malena would have to be my favorite. A must have for an Italian film collection is Cinema Paradiso. I have Ciao Professore and Pane e Tulipani as well, so I have to agree with Valerie on those. Also, The Best of Youth (La Meglio Gioventu). I can't say enough about that one. It brought tears to my eyes, several times!
La Bestia Nel Cuore is a more recent one that was ok too and Remember Me, My Love.
Of course, anything Fellini.
All right. I'll stop here because I can go on for days!!
Good luck on posting everyday. I will definitely be tuning in!
If I had to pick just one, I agree with ebony and ivory - I LOVE La Meglio Gioventù. It is an Italian TV miniseries that aired a couple of years ago. It takes place in Rome, Turin, Florence, Palermo, Milan...and Norway. Watching this inspired me to finally visit Italy in person.
Be warned though - it's six hours long.
Mamma mia, ragazzi! What fun to open my inbox and find all your comments. I have to tell you:
Valerie: This is my favorite of all of them, honestly. It was so good it even inspired me to read the book in Italian (which, by the way, isn't too hard for you intermediate-advanced students of Italian out there!)
Triplecreme: Your blog for me was love at first bite. I totally understand--you'd have a "dangerous" blogging job if it were every day!
Reel: Thanks for stopping by—a movie expert on my own blog! I totally agree with you, even though Fellini is a bit over my mundane little head, that is a CLASSIC.
Finny: No worries, I will admit that I worked around the corner from where they were filming, in front of the Pantheon, and like a dork, I waited for a few minutes outside the hotel to see if I could do some celeb-spotting. No luck. Of course, after DJ, well…that cured me!
Ebony: Who knew this little secret about you? Awesome! I also LOVE Ciao Professore and Cinema Paradiso, two for the wish list. I’ve heard lots of Italians talking about La Meglio Gioventù; I haven’t seen it yet.
Anton: Before I forget, have you stopped blogging? I can’t ever access your page. And, buonissima idea! I actually didn’t list but so far I have two DVDs on Rome and the Vatican.
Aloha: It’s SIX hours?! I had no idea! Well, two votes can’t be wrong.
Thanks for your help, ragazzi!
Definitely Bread and Tulips and what about Agata-La Tempeste (I think you can find one with English subtitles). i loved The Best of Youth.. thats all the Italian ones I can think of... are you going to put some English ones in there? might be nice to have a varied selection - I know you can find a dvd player thats multi-zoned.
I agree with the other posts. Best of Youth is an amazing film. I own the DVD and cry my eyes out everytime I watch it. Yes it's long but you don't even notice. Plus it's also beautiful. Many critics in the US had it on their top ten list the year it came out here. That is saying alot because fewer and fewer foreign films are being released here.
I love the films on your list. Here are some others I love:
The Last Kiss (the original of course not the american version with Zach Braff)
Divorce Italian Style (ah, Marchello)
Caterina va in Citta (shot in Rome)
I just saw The Night before the Exams. Very sweet and funny.
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